Diego Acosta

[Archived bio.]
I am from a small city in the east of Colombia. My family doesn’t have experience in agriculture or animal science but I always liked to stay near the animals of the farms of my friends. So then I started veterinary medicine in the Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales U.D.C.A. in Bogota Colombia. I did my internship in Brazil at NUPEEC-Núcleo de Pesquisa Ensino e Extenssão em Pecúaria. After graduation I decided to pursue my Master’s degree in Brazil at NUPEEC and I worked with effect of grown hormone in the prepartum of dairy cows in metabolic and reproductive performance. I obtained a Master’s degree in animal science by Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPEL) it made that I obtained experience with dairy farms in Brazil. I am currently a PhD student by UFPEL and I’m doing part of my PhD at group dairy focus lab at the University of Illinois, I am very excited to work on my PhD in this group.