Naina Lopes

[Archived bio.]
I am Brazilian and I was born in a small town in Minas Gerais (Guaxupé). My interest in agriculture began in high school when I was taking my traditional classes along with the classes offered in a Technical Agriculture School. The passion for animals resulted in me getting my DVM degree from the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA). During my graduate degree, I had a scholarship that allowed me to get experience in nutrition experiments. Additionally, I was a member and coordinator for the studies group “Grupo do Leite” (Milk Group), which has its roots based on dairy cattle management research, extension, and teaching. In search for more knowledge, I continued my studies at UFLA and concluded my MS program. At present, I’m a PhD student in ruminant nutrition under the guidance of Dr. Pereira. I was awarded the opportunity to do part of my program at the University of Illinois with the group Dairy Focus and under the guidance of Dr. Cardoso. I’m certain that some good work will come from this partnership.