Cassoli, L. D., F. C. Cardoso and P. Machado. (2008) “O que é leite de qualidade. (What is Quality milk)”. Mundo do Leite, São Paulo – Brasil, N. 34, p. 26 – 29, Dec/Jan. Collaborator.
Cassoli, L. D., F. C. Cardoso and P. Machado. (2009) “Nutrição e Análise do Leite: como tirar proveito desta relação. (Nutrition and milk analysis: How to take advantage of this relationship.)” Balde Branco, São Paulo – Brasil, p. 44 – 46, 15 Mar.
Cardoso, F. C. (2013) 3-R en el Periodo de Transición: Recuperación, Reproducción y Resultados”. (3 Rs of the Transition Period: Recovery, Reproduction and Results.) University of Illinois, Urbana, IL.
Cardoso, F. C. (2014) Illinois Milk Producers’ Association (IMPA) Newsletter. “Dr. Cardoso’s Cow Column: Corn silage topic”. July.
Cardoso, F. C. (2014) Illinois Milk Producers’ Association (IMPA) Newsletter. “Dr. Cardoso’s Cow Column: Reproduction 1 topic”. October.
Cardoso, F. C. (2014) “Las 3R en transición: recuperación, reproducción y resultados (I)”. Albéitar, Zaragoza – Spain, N. 180, p 40-41, November.
Cardoso, F. C. (2014) “Las 3R en transición: recuperación, reproducción y resultados (II)”. Albéitar, Zaragoza – Spain, N. 181, p 40-42, December.
Cardoso, F. C. (2014) Illinois Milk Producers’ Association (IMPA) Newsletter. “Dr. Cardoso’s Cow Column: Reproduction 2 topic”. December.
Cardoso, F. C. (2015) Illinois Milk Producers’ Association (IMPA) Newsletter. “Dr. Cardoso’s Cow Column: Feeding calves during the winter”. March.
Cardoso, F. C. (2015) “Bedding, milk quality go hand in hand on Illinois dairy farms”. Farmweek, Bloomington, IL, p. 4, April 13.
Cardoso, F. C. (2015) “It’s the change that matters”. Hoards Dairyman, Fort Atkinson – WI, N. 9 p 333-334, May.
Cardoso, F. C. (2015) Illinois Milk Producers’ Association (IMPA) Newsletter. “Dr. Cardoso’s Cow Column: Body condition score; watch for the change”. July.
Haerr, K. and F. C. Cardoso. (2015) “Is fungal disease the silent killer of corn silage?” Progressive Dairyman, Jerome – ID, N. 13 p 64-66, August.
Haerr, K. and F. C. Cardoso. (2015) “Corn silage: Fungal disease, the silent killer?” Midwest Forage Association – Forage Focus, St. Paul – MN, p 6-7, August.
Weatherly, M. and F. C. Cardoso. (2015) Illinois Milk Producers’ Association (IMPA) Newsletter. “Dr. Cardoso’s Cow Column: Are your cows drinking enough water?” October.
Cardoso, F. C. (2015) Illinois Milk Producers’ Association (IMPA) Newsletter. “Dr. Cardoso’s Cow Column: Nutritional management before calving can improve fertility in dairy cows”. December.
Cardoso, F. C. (2015) “Es el cambio el que importa“. Hoard’s Dairyman en español, p 441-415, July.
Cardoso, F. C. (2016) “Milk quality and antibiotic residue avoidance”. Progressive Dairyman, Jerome, ID, p 54-56, April 19.
Cardoso, F. C. (2016) Illinois Milk Producers’ Association (IMPA) Newsletter. “Dr. Cardoso’s Cow Column: Veterinary Feed Directive Update and Milk Quality”. May.
Kalebich, C. and F. C. Cardoso. (2016) “Foliar fungicide effects on corn”. Forage Focus, St. Paul, MN, p 15, May.
Kalebich, C. and F. C. Cardoso. (2016) “Effects of foliar fungicide application on silage corn”. Progressive Dairyman, Jerome, ID, p 52-54, July 1.
Sulzberger, S., Y. Khidoyatov, and F. C. Cardoso. (2016) “Using clay as a buffer in the diet of lactating dairy cows”. Progressive Dairyman, Jerome, ID, p 48-49, July 1.
Cardoso, F. C. (2016) Illinois Milk Producers’ Association (IMPA) Newsletter. “Dr. Cardoso’s Cow Column: The right amount of methionine can boost cow fertility”. November.
Cardoso, F. C. (2016) “Impacto de los aminoácidos en la reproducción (I)”. Albéitar, Zaragoza – Spain, N. 201, p 32-34, November.
Cardoso, F. C. (2016) “Impacto de los aminoácidos en la reproducción (II)”. Albéitar, Zaragoza – Spain, N. 202, p 24-25, December.
Cardoso, F. C. (2016) “Hit the methionine target”. Hoard’s Dairyman, p 741, December.
Cardoso, F. C. (2017) “10 steps for a successful transition period, part 1”. Progressive Dairyman, Jerome, ID, p 54-55, February 25.
Cardoso, F. C. (2017) “Alcance el requerimiento de metionina”. Hoard’s Dairyman en español, p 184-185, March.
Cardoso, F. C. (2017) “10 steps for a successful transition period, part 2”. Progressive Dairyman, Jerome, ID, p 48-49, May 25.
Cardoso, F. C. (2017) Illinois Milk Producers’ Association (IMPA) Newsletter. “Dr. Cardoso’s Cow Column: 10 steps for a successful transition period – part 1”. July.
Cardoso, F. C. (2018) Illinois Milk Producers’ Association (IMPA) Newsletter. “Dr. Cardoso’s Cow Column: 10 steps for a successful transition period – part 2”. January.
Cardoso, F. C. (2018) WEBINAR – Virtus Nutrition – Fatty Acid Forum “Pre & Postpartum Nutrition Management: Optimize Energy Balance & Fertility”. March 13.
Cardoso, F. C. (2018) WEBINAR – AMTS – The Nutritionist “Transition Nutrition in Relation to Reproductive Health”. May 9.
Cardoso, F. C. (2018) WEBINAR – Iowa State – “Making Production Decisions During Challenging Times”. Title: “5 Nutrition Management Tips”. July 24.
Pate, R.T. and F. C. Cardoso. (2018) “Aflatoxin effects go beyond the bulk tank”. Hoards Dairyman, Fort Atkinson – WI. p 666, November, 15.
Cardoso, F. C. (2019) Nutrition Plus Newsletter. “Consultants Corner: Amino Acids Affect Reproduction, Too”. January. Vol 15. Issue 1.
Cardoso, F. C. (2019) Illinois Milk Producers’ Association (IMPA) Newsletter. “Dr. Cardoso’s Cow Column: How to improve nitrogen efficiency in your dairy farm for increased profitability and lower environmental impact?” July.
Cardoso, F. C. (2019) Illinois Milk Producers’ Association (IMPA) Newsletter. “Dr. Cardoso’s Cow Column: Mycotoxins in Corn Silage, Fungicides, and IL Dairy Farmer Surveys.” August.