ANSC 100 – Intro to Animal Sciences
Survey of beef and dairy cattle, companion animals, horses, poultry, sheep, and swine. Includes the importance of product technology and the basic principles of nutrition, genetics, physiology, and behavior as they apply to breeding, selection, feeding, and management. Lecture and lab.
Credit: 4 hours.
ANSC 201 – Principles of Dairy Production
Surveys the dairy industry; examines principles of breeding, selection, reproduction, feeding, milking and management of dairy cattle. Prerequisite: ANSC 100.
Credit: 3 hours. Taught until 2019.
ANSC 251 – Epidemics and Emerging Infectious Diseases
The objective of this course is to educate students on the importance of studying causes of disease and immunity so that future epidemics can be avoided. At the end of the semester students will 1) be familiar with the major causes of plague 2) understand how pathogens affect agriculture and humanity and 3) be able to intelligibly discuss the benefits and drawbacks of vaccination and use of antibiotics. Successful completion of this course will broaden students’ understanding of how host-pathogen interactions influence humanity.
Credit: 3 hours.
ANSC 398 Section M – Dairy Challenge
This class allows students of all backgrounds to apply the knowledge they have gained in their undergraduate classes in a real life setting. During the course students will visit dairy farms and evaluate the dairy. Students will have the opportunity to represent the university at a national and Midwest competition.
Credit: 2 hours.
ANSC 400 – Dairy Herd Management
The technology of modern milk production practices; application of principles in nutrition, physiology, economics, health and hygiene, waste management, and facilities design for efficient dairy herd management systems. Prerequisite: ANSC 201 or consent of instructor.
Credit: 3 hours.
ANSC 420 – Ruminant Nutrition
Physiology and microbiology of digestion in the ruminant, and biochemical pathways of utilization of the absorbed nutrients for productive purposes. Prerequisite: ANSC 223 or equivalent.
Credit: 3 hours.
ANSC 471 – Leaders & Entrepreneurs
ANSC 471 is designed to familiarize students with the tools and skills necessary for successful business operation in industry and entrepreneurial environments (including food animal production farms). This course will include at least one trip to the UIUC Dairy Cattle Research Unit to allow students to observe management tools used by the facility. Offered in alternate years.
Credit: 3 hours.
ANSC 499 – ONLINE – Dairy Nutrition and Diet Formulation
ANSC 499 is designed to teach the essential fundamentals of dairy cattle nutrition, including the basic to advanced principles for all levels of learners. Energy, carbohydrates, lipids, protein, amino acids, minerals, vitamins, additives, forages, young stock, and transition cow feeding are covered in detail. The material covering the basic and advanced concepts of dairy nutrition will be available online to learn at your own pace. Dr. Cardoso, along with other nutritionists, will present and critically evaluate nutritional concepts and their application in the field. Dr. Cardoso will pass the hands-on experience on formulating diets and building a set of constraints and suggestions.
Credit: 2 hours.
ANSC 522 – Advanced Ruminant Nutrition
Physiological and microbiological aspects of ruminant digestion and their influence on the metabolism of the extraruminal tissues; interpretation of nutritive requirements in terms of rumen microbial activities; and evaluation of research techniques. Prerequisite: ANSC 420 or equivalent, and ANSC 350, MCB 450, or equivalent. Offered in alternate years.
Credit: 3 hours.
ANSC 590 – Animal Sciences Seminar; Section E
Discussions of current research and literature pertaining to animal nutrition topics. Dr. Cardoso was responsible for coordinating this course in Spring 2015.
Credit: 1 hour.