Good Ventilation = Good Cattle Performance will be the theme of two Livestock Facility Workshops: March 8 in Lena, IL, and March 10 in Effingham, IL. These workshops will focus on the interaction of ventilation and herd health issues for beef and dairy cattle buildings. Not getting the performance you expect from a building or planning to build a new one? Plan to attend the 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. workshop hosted by University of Illinois Extension.
To meet the changing demands on beef and dairy production, new building designs and operating methods, like the following, have been suggested: mono-slope, hoop structures, bed packs, modified natural ventilation, etc. What do you need to know to select or operate one of these buildings successfully?
“Proper ventilation can improve animal productivity, and poor ventilation leads to poor air quality and higher incidence of disease,” shares Dr. Morgan Hayes, University of Illinois Extension Agricultural Engineer. “People often neglect to consider ventilation, either because they are not sure what can be done or because they consider it a minor issue, but it does affect the bottom line.”
The workshop will provide information on thoughtful design and active management needed to achieve the maximum performance within existing building or new building construction.
The Livestock Facility Workshop presenters will be researchers and educators from University of Illinois. Topics to be presented include:
- How do we ventilate buildings? (Both natural and mechanical methods discussed)
- Disease development & transmission – aerial method
- What is good air quality? (Addressing concerns with moisture, ammonia, dust, etc.)
- Real World Examples
- What can we do to manage/control ventilation
For more information and registration, please visit the site for the meeting you wish to attend.
Agribusiness, equipment companies, and building companies interested in sponsoring/exhibiting at either or both locations should visit: